Ptychography Reconstruction#

This notebook demonstrates a ptychographic reconstruction using tike.

import logging

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import cupy

import tike
import tike.ptycho
import tike.view
for module in [tike, np, cupy]:
    print("{} is version {}".format(module.__name__, module.__version__))
# Note the versions below were used to generate this notebook. Use a compatible version to get results shown here.
tike is version 0.23.1
numpy is version 1.23.1
cupy is version 10.6.0

Load experimental data#

This data is a real dataset that has been pre-processed to be smaller so that it can be used as a test dataset. It contains the diffraction patterns, scan positions in pixel units, and an initial probe guess. There are functions in the module which may do this pre-processing automatically from select on-disk formats.

import bz2

with'../../../tests/data/siemens-star-small.npz.bz2') as f:
    archive = np.load(f)
    scan = archive['scan'][0]
    data = archive['data'][0]
    probe = archive['probe'][0]

The probe#

Note that the shape of the probe includes many dimensions. These leading dimensions are for providing multiple probes and to make internal multiplcations easier. This initial probe guess was generated from an analytical function which models the Freznel zone plate and other optics at the Velociprobe. Read the API documentation of the tike.ptycho.probe module for more information.

probe = tike.ptycho.probe.add_modes_random_phase(probe, 1)
probe.shape, probe.dtype
((1, 1, 1, 128, 128), dtype('complex64'))
for m in range(probe.shape[-3]):
    tike.view.plot_phase(probe[0, 0, m])
(-0.22053738-0.014846489j) (0.21158107+0.0107072005j)

Define the trajectory#

The scanning positions must be scaled so that one scanning unit is the width of one pixel in the initial probe/object array; i.e. pixel units. All dimensions are consistently ordered; the scan[..., 0] coordinates correspond to probe.shape[-2] and data.shape[-2]. A common pitfall of loading ptychographic data is that the dimensions are not consistent; be sure to try all combinations of swaping and flipping the sign(s) of the x and y axes.

If you provide an initial object (psi), then you need to make it large enough to contain all of the scan positions plus the 2 pixel buffer along each edge plus the width of the probe in each dimension. If you do not provide an initial guess of the object, then tike does this shifting of the scanning positions automatically and will choose a conservatively large field of view.

scan.shape, scan.dtype
((516, 2), dtype('float32'))
plt.scatter(scan[:, 0], scan[:, 1])

Diffraction patterns#

The diffraction patterns should be cropped to a square shape that is larger than or equal to the shape of the probe array. Preferably, these arrays should be shaped to powers of 2 (for computational efficiency). The diffraction patterns should also be FFT shifted such that the zero-frequency (center of diffraction pattern) is at the origin.

np.min(data), np.max(data), data.dtype
(0.0, 963.0, dtype('float32'))


Now we try and reconstruct the object (psi). To indicate which parameters we want to reconstruct, we use the Options classes. Providing no or None Option indicates that a parameter will not be updated. Providing an empty Option indicates that the default options will be used.

# initial guess for psi can be automatically generated, but it will recenter the scaning positions
psi, scan = tike.ptycho.object.get_padded_object(scan, probe)
parameters = tike.ptycho.PtychoParameters(
    # Provide initial guesses for parameters that are updated
    probe_options=tike.ptycho.ProbeOptions(), # uses default settings for probe recovery
        # The object will be updated.
        use_adaptive_moment=True,  # smoothness constraint will use our provided setting
        # other object options will be default values
    position_options=None, # indicates that positions will not be updated

# returns an updated PtychoParameters object
result = tike.ptycho.reconstruct(
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie on 516 - 128 by 128 frames for at most 64 epochs.
INFO:tike.random:Clustering method is wobbly center.
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:Probe rescaled by 188.669813
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 0
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.64563e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +1.89577e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +1.37009e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +1.33570e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +1.20596e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +1.18626e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +1.18734e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 1
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +1.11948e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +1.11235e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +1.04240e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +1.05443e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +1.05591e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +1.02012e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +1.02685e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 2
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +9.82761e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.90878e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.98614e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +9.91236e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +1.00517e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +9.51774e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +9.84693e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 3
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.76923e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +9.15637e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +9.04685e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +9.09354e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +9.10317e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.81318e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.78278e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 4
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.64042e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.48248e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.54707e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.23638e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.02508e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.64829e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.48429e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 5
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.72679e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.23356e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.38694e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.86773e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.83322e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.38638e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.24950e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 6
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.00897e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.32416e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.18034e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.11386e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.05787e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.63939e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +8.05484e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 7
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.32797e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.76980e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.53035e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.27967e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.57493e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.51226e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.67709e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 8
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.08576e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.47061e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.11020e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.30116e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.43547e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.58959e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.17046e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 9
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.68590e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.14657e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.86876e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.11768e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.89871e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.08924e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.98268e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 10
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.88635e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.69251e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.64117e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.02667e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.07798e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.61283e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.99027e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 11
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.67330e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.38895e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.85798e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.43667e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.87284e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.54838e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +7.00831e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 12
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.63850e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.93145e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.63055e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.41373e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.88761e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.84803e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.69558e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 13
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.79443e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.38011e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.28016e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.59085e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.61545e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.46082e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.65700e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 14
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.89850e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.59786e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.55930e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.31614e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.63238e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.48606e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.63330e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 15
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.76654e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.01281e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.51336e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.35343e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.43957e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.29466e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.52004e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 16
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.19789e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.52183e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.43530e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.26514e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.56416e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.26776e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.39538e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 17
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.58104e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.36941e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.35916e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.10374e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.13564e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.11831e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.27509e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 18
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.90850e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.35506e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.71628e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.28623e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.37074e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.23217e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.14035e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 19
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.50574e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.25264e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.84491e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.24787e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.24036e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.11346e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.15304e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 20
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.53239e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.12150e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.17858e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.16130e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.97963e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.00981e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.26049e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 21
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.56378e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.15047e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.99004e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.07807e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.07238e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.09146e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.00133e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 22
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.70685e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.68068e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.23956e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.01591e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.06659e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.01744e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.97850e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 23
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.67437e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.05423e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.05926e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.85509e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.05137e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.92294e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.90297e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 24
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.65374e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.64845e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.18841e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.01603e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.91141e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.82661e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.94661e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 25
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.73652e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.47189e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.14999e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.96945e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.96228e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.87945e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.78195e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 26
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.48384e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.06441e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.83521e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.80580e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.01670e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.97052e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.67363e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 27
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.44036e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.50058e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.07631e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.91752e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.03412e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.77779e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.94981e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 28
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.81955e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.09591e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.12426e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.87204e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.88431e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.67799e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.89662e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 29
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.48445e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.10069e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.69523e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.83753e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.83298e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.71081e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.76538e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 30
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.88210e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.87046e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.12448e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.83951e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.77774e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.75381e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.62115e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 31
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.22824e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.11113e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.67952e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.88673e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.93042e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.79234e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.75890e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 32
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.11090e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.81284e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.80550e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.68438e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.82453e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.63116e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.82991e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 33
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.09458e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.12280e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.92365e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.64103e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.82122e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.67636e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.77314e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 34
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.57473e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.10154e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.85581e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.74573e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.54852e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.71962e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.78039e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 35
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.38005e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.70431e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.73541e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.62502e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.86388e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.71946e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.73123e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 36
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.00059e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.84796e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.54955e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.77739e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.63896e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.67941e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.73339e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 37
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.88622e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.74890e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.61935e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.75764e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.63582e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.57607e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.67143e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 38
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.04912e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.62450e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.87697e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.66344e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.70460e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.54822e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.66874e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 39
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.30935e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.51935e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.95985e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.71169e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.64730e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.57007e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.58772e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 40
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.42032e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.86028e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.87907e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.56176e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.35767e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.61363e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.55039e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 41
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.41936e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.86170e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.61536e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.63175e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.46219e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.55426e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.45105e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 42
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.28530e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.96781e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.74114e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.31902e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.51039e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.48736e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.66913e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 43
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.99399e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.73520e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.65065e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.51442e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.72177e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.57598e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.64711e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 44
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.10906e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.76709e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.64428e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.50456e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.70028e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.52580e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.59656e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 45
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.68199e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.53980e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.73081e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.62315e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.51552e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.50320e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.55828e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 46
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.62517e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.63595e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.88853e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.61752e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.55703e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.45166e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.46317e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 47
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.33485e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.78112e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.76604e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.36164e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.50324e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.52220e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.35197e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 48
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.31646e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.24775e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.78161e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.68760e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.57051e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.48270e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.62135e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 49
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.95671e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.43384e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.75050e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.53725e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.64071e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.34730e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.46507e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 50
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.71474e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.80873e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.71327e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.46257e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.53398e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.45283e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.38493e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 51
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.09177e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.39225e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.80111e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.49157e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.64792e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.41509e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.56300e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 52
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.18949e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.33445e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.64019e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.45487e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.27087e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.42424e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.42342e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 53
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.24457e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.24048e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.48572e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.44421e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.58204e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.26981e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.48398e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 54
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.32582e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.60120e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.55277e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.21095e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.38527e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.45931e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.45542e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 55
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.00068e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.82351e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.43810e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.36567e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.54455e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.47950e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.48103e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 56
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.38493e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.69857e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.52096e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.53623e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.55769e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.35528e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.42306e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 57
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.86154e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.69159e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.71704e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.45730e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.52302e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.32252e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.42413e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 58
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.96974e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.70330e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.63482e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.22258e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.50875e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.38162e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.42675e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 59
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.10912e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.42929e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.63325e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.31682e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.39512e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.45627e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.33042e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 60
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.06385e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.74810e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.52570e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.23099e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.37060e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.30465e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.28850e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 61
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +6.10130e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.73928e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.51205e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.27146e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.51363e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.29172e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.38875e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 62
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.55996e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.80087e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.52783e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.33400e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.41718e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.23453e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.32938e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.ptycho:rpie epoch 63
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.92345e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.67687e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.73618e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.40541e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.34399e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.36849e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.solvers.rpie:  farplane cost is +5.31562e-01
INFO:tike.ptycho.probe:Probe support constraint with weight 1.000e+01, radius 3.500e-01, degree 2.500e+00
INFO:tike.ptycho.object:Object smooth constrained with kernel param 0.000e+00
tike.view.plot_phase(result.psi, amin=0)
(-0.15227516-0.8297742j) (1+0.00040052895j)
[ ]: