
Provide laminography solvers and tooling.

tike.lamino.lamino.reconstruct(data, theta, tilt, algorithm, obj=None, num_iter=1, rtol=-1, eps=0.001, num_gpu=1, **kwargs)[source]#

Solve the Laminography problem using the given algorithm.

  • algorithm (string) – The name of one algorithms from lamino.solvers.

  • rtol (float) – Terminate early if the relative decrease of the cost function is less than this amount.

  • tilt (float32 [radians]) – The tilt angle; the angle between the rotation axis of the object and the light source. π / 2 for conventional tomography. 0 for a beam path along the rotation axis.

  • obj ((nz, n, n) complex64) – The complex refractive index of the object. nz is the axis corresponding to the rotation axis.

  • data ((ntheta, n, n) complex64) – The complex projection data of the object.

  • theta (array-like float32 [radians]) – The projection angles; rotation around the vertical axis of the object.

tike.lamino.lamino.simulate(obj, theta, tilt, **kwargs)[source]#

Return complex values of simulated laminography data.