Source code for tike.operators.cupy.convolution

__author__ = "Daniel Ching, Viktor Nikitin"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2020, UChicago Argonne, LLC."

import cupy as cp

from .operator import Operator
from .patch import Patch
from .shift import Shift

[docs]class Convolution(Operator): """A 2D Convolution operator with linear interpolation. Compute the product two arrays at specific relative positions. Attributes ---------- nscan : int The number of scan positions at each angular view. probe_shape : int The pixel width and height of the (square) probe illumination. nz, n : int The pixel width and height of the reconstructed grid. ntheta : int The number of angular partitions of the data. Parameters ---------- psi : (..., nz, n) complex64 The complex wavefront modulation of the object. probe : complex64 The (..., nscan, nprobe, probe_shape, probe_shape) or (..., 1, nprobe, probe_shape, probe_shape) complex illumination function. nearplane: complex64 The (...., nscan, nprobe, probe_shape, probe_shape) wavefronts after exiting the object. scan : (..., nscan, 2) float32 Coordinates of the minimum corner of the probe grid for each measurement in the coordinate system of psi. Vertical coordinates first, horizontal coordinates second. """
[docs] def __init__(self, probe_shape, nz, n, ntheta=None, detector_shape=None, **kwargs): # yapf: disable self.probe_shape = probe_shape = nz self.n = n if detector_shape is None: self.detector_shape = probe_shape else: self.detector_shape = detector_shape self.pad = (self.detector_shape - self.probe_shape) // 2 self.end = self.probe_shape + self.pad self.patch = Patch()
def fwd(self, psi, scan, probe): """Extract probe shaped patches from the psi at each scan position. The patches within the bounds of psi are linearly interpolated, and indices outside the bounds of psi are not allowed. """ assert psi.shape[:-2] == scan.shape[:-2], (psi.shape, scan.shape) assert probe.shape[:-4] == scan.shape[:-2], (probe.shape, scan.shape) assert probe.shape[-4] == 1 or probe.shape[-4] == scan.shape[-2] if self.detector_shape == self.probe_shape: patches = self.xp.empty_like( psi, shape=( *scan.shape[:-2], scan.shape[-2] * probe.shape[-3], self.detector_shape, self.detector_shape, ), ) else: patches = self.xp.zeros_like( psi, shape=( *scan.shape[:-2], scan.shape[-2] * probe.shape[-3], self.detector_shape, self.detector_shape, ), ) patches = self.patch.fwd( patches=patches, images=psi, positions=scan, patch_width=self.probe_shape, nrepeat=probe.shape[-3], ) patches = patches.reshape(( *scan.shape[:-1], probe.shape[-3], self.detector_shape, self.detector_shape, )) patches[..., self.pad:self.end, self.pad:self.end] *= probe return patches def adj(self, nearplane, scan, probe, psi=None, overwrite=False): """Combine probe shaped patches into a psi shaped grid by addition.""" assert probe.shape[:-4] == scan.shape[:-2] assert probe.shape[-4] == 1 or probe.shape[-4] == scan.shape[-2] assert nearplane.shape[:-3] == scan.shape[:-1] if not overwrite: nearplane = nearplane.copy() nearplane[..., self.pad:self.end, self.pad:self.end] *= probe.conj() if psi is None: psi = self.xp.zeros_like( nearplane, shape=(*scan.shape[:-2],, self.n), ) assert psi.shape[:-2] == scan.shape[:-2] return self.patch.adj( patches=nearplane.reshape(( *scan.shape[:-2], scan.shape[-2] * nearplane.shape[-3], *nearplane.shape[-2:], )), images=psi, positions=scan, patch_width=self.probe_shape, nrepeat=nearplane.shape[-3], ) def adj_probe(self, nearplane, scan, psi, overwrite=False): """Combine probe shaped patches into a probe.""" assert nearplane.shape[:-3] == scan.shape[:-1], (nearplane.shape, scan.shape) assert psi.shape[:-2] == scan.shape[:-2], (psi.shape, scan.shape) patches = self.xp.zeros_like( psi, shape=( *scan.shape[:-2], scan.shape[-2] * nearplane.shape[-3], self.probe_shape, self.probe_shape, ), ) patches = self.patch.fwd( patches=patches, images=psi, positions=scan, patch_width=self.probe_shape, nrepeat=nearplane.shape[-3], ) patches = patches.reshape((*scan.shape[:-1], nearplane.shape[-3], self.probe_shape, self.probe_shape)) patches = patches.conj() patches *= nearplane[..., self.pad:self.end, self.pad:self.end] return patches def adj_all(self, nearplane, scan, probe, psi, overwrite=False, rpie=False): """Peform adj and adj_probe at the same time.""" assert probe.shape[:-4] == scan.shape[:-2] assert psi.shape[:-2] == scan.shape[:-2], (psi.shape, scan.shape) assert probe.shape[-4] == 1 or probe.shape[-4] == scan.shape[-2] assert nearplane.shape[:-3] == scan.shape[:-1], (nearplane.shape, scan.shape) patches = self.patch.fwd( # Could be xp.empty if scan positions are all in bounds patches=self.xp.zeros_like( psi, shape=( *scan.shape[:-2], scan.shape[-2] * nearplane.shape[-3], self.probe_shape, self.probe_shape, ), ), images=psi, positions=scan, patch_width=self.probe_shape, nrepeat=nearplane.shape[-3], ) patches = patches.reshape((*scan.shape[:-1], nearplane.shape[-3], self.probe_shape, self.probe_shape)) if rpie: patches_amp = self.xp.sum( patches * patches.conj(), axis=-4, keepdims=True, ) patches = patches.conj() patches *= nearplane[..., self.pad:self.end, self.pad:self.end] if not overwrite: nearplane = nearplane.copy() nearplane[..., self.pad:self.end, self.pad:self.end] *= probe.conj() if rpie: probe_amp = probe * probe.conj() probe_amp = probe_amp.reshape( (*scan.shape[:-2], -1, *nearplane.shape[-2:]) # (..., nscan * nprobe, probe_shape, probe_shape) # (..., nprobe, probe_shape, probe_shape) ) probe_amp = self.patch.adj( patches=probe_amp, images=self.xp.zeros_like( psi, shape=(*scan.shape[:-2],, self.n), ), positions=scan, patch_width=self.probe_shape, nrepeat=nearplane.shape[-3], ) apsi = self.patch.adj( patches=nearplane.reshape(( *scan.shape[:-2], scan.shape[-2] * nearplane.shape[-3], *nearplane.shape[-2:], )), images=self.xp.zeros_like( psi, shape=(*scan.shape[:-2],, self.n), ), positions=scan, patch_width=self.probe_shape, nrepeat=nearplane.shape[-3], ) if rpie: return apsi, patches, patches_amp, probe_amp else: return apsi, patches
class ConvolutionFFT(Operator): """A 2D Convolution operator with linear interpolation. Compute the product two arrays at specific relative positions. Attributes ---------- nscan : int The number of scan positions at each angular view. probe_shape : int The pixel width and height of the (square) probe illumination. nz, n : int The pixel width and height of the reconstructed grid. ntheta : int The number of angular partitions of the data. Parameters ---------- psi : (..., nz, n) complex64 The complex wavefront modulation of the object. probe : complex64 The (..., nscan, nprobe, probe_shape, probe_shape) or (..., 1, nprobe, probe_shape, probe_shape) complex illumination function. nearplane: complex64 The (...., nscan, nprobe, probe_shape, probe_shape) wavefronts after exiting the object. scan : (..., nscan, 2) float32 Coordinates of the minimum corner of the probe grid for each measurement in the coordinate system of psi. Vertical coordinates first, horizontal coordinates second. """ def __init__(self, probe_shape, nz, n, ntheta=None, detector_shape=None, **kwargs): # yapf: disable self.probe_shape = probe_shape = nz self.n = n if detector_shape is None: self.detector_shape = probe_shape else: self.detector_shape = detector_shape self.pad = (self.detector_shape - self.probe_shape) // 2 self.end = self.probe_shape + self.pad self.patch = Patch() self.shift = Shift() def __enter__(self): self.shift.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.shift.__exit__(type, value, traceback) def fwd(self, psi, scan, probe): """Extract probe shaped patches from the psi at each scan position. The patches within the bounds of psi are linearly interpolated, and indices outside the bounds of psi are not allowed. """ assert psi.shape[:-2] == scan.shape[:-2], (psi.shape, scan.shape) assert probe.shape[:-4] == scan.shape[:-2], (probe.shape, scan.shape) assert probe.shape[-4] == 1 or probe.shape[-4] == scan.shape[-2] if self.detector_shape == self.probe_shape: patches = self.xp.empty_like( psi, shape=( *scan.shape[:-2], scan.shape[-2] * probe.shape[-3], self.detector_shape, self.detector_shape, ), ) else: patches = self.xp.zeros_like( psi, shape=( *scan.shape[:-2], scan.shape[-2] * probe.shape[-3], self.detector_shape, self.detector_shape, ), ) index, shift = self.xp.divmod(scan, 1.0) shift = shift.reshape((*scan.shape[:-1], 1, 2)) patches = self.patch.fwd( patches=patches, images=psi, positions=index, patch_width=self.probe_shape, nrepeat=probe.shape[-3], ) patches = patches.reshape(( *scan.shape[:-1], probe.shape[-3], self.detector_shape, self.detector_shape, )) patches = self.shift.adj(patches, shift, overwrite=False) patches[..., self.pad:self.end, self.pad:self.end] *= probe return patches def adj(self, nearplane, scan, probe, psi=None, overwrite=False): """Combine probe shaped patches into a psi shaped grid by addition.""" assert probe.shape[:-4] == scan.shape[:-2] assert probe.shape[-4] == 1 or probe.shape[-4] == scan.shape[-2] assert nearplane.shape[:-3] == scan.shape[:-1] if not overwrite: nearplane = nearplane.copy() nearplane[..., self.pad:self.end, self.pad:self.end] *= probe.conj() index, shift = self.xp.divmod(scan, 1.0) shift = shift.reshape((*scan.shape[:-1], 1, 2)) nearplane = self.shift.fwd(nearplane, shift, overwrite=True) if psi is None: psi = self.xp.zeros_like( nearplane, shape=(*scan.shape[:-2],, self.n), ) assert psi.shape[:-2] == scan.shape[:-2] return self.patch.adj( patches=nearplane.reshape(( *scan.shape[:-2], scan.shape[-2] * nearplane.shape[-3], *nearplane.shape[-2:], )), images=psi, positions=index, patch_width=self.probe_shape, nrepeat=nearplane.shape[-3], )