Source code for tike.operators.cupy.flow

__author__ = "Daniel Ching, Viktor Nikitin"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2020, UChicago Argonne, LLC."

import cupy as cp
import numpy as np
    from importlib.resources import files
except ImportError:
    # Backport for python<3.9 available as importlib_resources package
    from importlib_resources import files

from .operator import Operator

kernels = [

_interp_module = cp.RawModule(

typename = {
    np.dtype('complex64'): 'float2',
    np.dtype('float32'): 'float',
    np.dtype('complex128'): 'double2',
    np.dtype('float64'): 'double',

def _remap_lanczos(Fe, x, m, F, fwd=True, cval=0.0):
    """Lanczos resampling from grid Fe to points x.

    At the edges, the Lanczos filter wraps around.

    Fe : (H, W)
        The function at equally spaced samples.
    x : (N, 2) float32
        The non-uniform sample positions on the grid.
    m : int > 0
        The Lanczos filter is 2m + 1 wide.
    F : (N, )
        The values at the non-uniform samples.
    assert Fe.ndim == 2
    assert x.ndim == 2 and x.shape[-1] == 2
    assert m > 0
    assert F.shape == x.shape[:-1], F.dtype == Fe.dtype
    assert Fe.dtype == F.dtype
    lanczos_width = 2 * m + 1

    kernel = _interp_module.get_function(
        f"{'fwd' if fwd else 'adj'}_lanczos_interp2D<{typename[Fe.dtype]},{typename[x.dtype]}>"

    grid = (-(-x.shape[0] // kernel.max_threads_per_block), 0, 0)
    block = (min(x.shape[0], kernel.max_threads_per_block), 0, 0)
    kernel(grid, block, (
        cp.array(Fe.shape, dtype='int32'),

[docs]class Flow(Operator): """Map input 2D arrays to new coordinates by Lanczos interpolation. Uses Lanczos interpolation for a non-affine deformation of a series of 2D images. """ def fwd(self, f, flow, filter_size=5, cval=0.0): """Remap individual pixels of f with Lanczos filtering. Parameters ---------- f : (..., H, W) complex64 A stack of arrays to be deformed. flow : (..., H, W, 2) float32 The displacements to be applied to each pixel along the last two dimensions. Operation skipped when flow is None. filter_size : int The width of the Lanczos filter. Automatically rounded up to an odd positive integer. cval : complex64 This value is used for interpolation from points outside the grid. """ if flow is None: return f assert f.shape == flow.shape[:-1], (f.shape, flow.shape) # Convert from displacements to coordinates h, w = flow.shape[-3:-1] coords = -flow.copy() coords[..., 0] += self.xp.arange(h)[:, None] coords[..., 1] += self.xp.arange(w) # Reshape into stack of 2D images shape = f.shape coords = coords.reshape(-1, h * w, 2) f = f.reshape(-1, h, w) g = self.xp.zeros_like(f).reshape(-1, h * w) a = max(0, (filter_size) // 2) for i in range(len(f)): _remap_lanczos(f[i], coords[i], a, g[i], cval=cval) return g.reshape(shape) def adj(self, g, flow, filter_size=5, cval=0.0): """Remap individual pixels of f with Lanczos filtering. Parameters ---------- g : (..., H, W) complex64 A stack of deformed arrays. flow : (..., H, W, 2) float32 The displacements to be applied to each pixel along the last two dimensions. Operation skipped when flow is None. filter_size : int The width of the Lanczos filter. Automatically rounded up to an odd positive integer. cval : complex64 This value is used for interpolation from points outside the grid. """ if flow is None: return g f = self.xp.zeros_like(g) assert f.shape == flow.shape[:-1], (f.shape, flow.shape) # Convert from displacements to coordinates h, w = flow.shape[-3:-1] coords = -flow.copy() coords[..., 0] += self.xp.arange(h)[:, None] coords[..., 1] += self.xp.arange(w) # Reshape into stack of 2D images shape = f.shape coords = coords.reshape(-1, h * w, 2) f = f.reshape(-1, h, w) g = g.reshape(-1, h * w) a = max(0, (filter_size) // 2) for i in range(len(f)): _remap_lanczos(f[i], coords[i], a, g[i], fwd=False, cval=cval) return f.reshape(shape) def inv(self, g, flow, filter_size=5, cval=0.0): return self.fwd( g, flow if flow is None else -flow, filter_size, cval, )