Source code for tike.operators.cupy.objective

"""Implement cost functions and gradients."""

import cupy as cp

# NOTE: We use mean instead of sum so that cost functions may be compared
# when mini-batches of different sizes are used.

# Gaussian Model

def _gaussian_fuse(data, intensity):
    diff = cp.sqrt(intensity) - cp.sqrt(data)
    diff *= cp.conj(diff)
    return diff

[docs]def gaussian(data, intensity) -> float: """The Gaussian model objective function. Parameters ---------- data : (N, M, M) The measured diffraction data intensity : (N, M, M) The modeled intensity """ return cp.mean(_gaussian_fuse(data, intensity))
[docs]def gaussian_grad(data, farplane, intensity) -> cp.ndarray: """The gradient of the Gaussian model objective function Parameters ---------- data : (N, M, M) The measured diffraction data intensity : (N, M, M) The modeled intensity farplane : (N, K, L, M, M) """ return farplane * (1 - cp.sqrt(data) / (cp.sqrt(intensity) + 1e-9))[..., cp.newaxis, cp.newaxis, :, :]
[docs]def gaussian_each_pattern(data, intensity) -> cp.ndarray: """The Gaussian model objective function per diffraction pattern. Parameters ---------- data : (N, M, M) The measured diffraction data intensity : (N, M, M) The modeled intensity Returns ------- costs : (N, ) The objective function for each pattern. """ return cp.mean( _gaussian_fuse(data, intensity), axis=(-2, -1), keepdims=False, )
# Poisson Model @cp.fuse() def _poisson_fuse(data, intensity): return intensity - data * cp.log(intensity + 1e-9)
[docs]def poisson(data, intensity) -> float: """The Poisson model objective function. Parameters ---------- data : (N, M, M) The measured diffraction data intensity : (N, M, M) The modeled intensity """ return cp.mean(_poisson_fuse(data, intensity))
[docs]def poisson_grad(data, farplane, intensity) -> cp.ndarray: """The gradient of the Poisson model objective function. Parameters ---------- data : (N, M, M) The measured diffraction data intensity : (N, M, M) The modeled intensity farplane : (N, K, L, M, M) """ return farplane * (1 - data / (intensity + 1e-9))[..., cp.newaxis, cp.newaxis, :, :]
[docs]def poisson_each_pattern(data, intensity) -> cp.ndarray: """The Poisson model objective function per diffraction pattern. Parameters ---------- data : (N, M, M) The measured diffraction data intensity : (N, M, M) The modeled intensity Returns ------- costs : (N, ) The objective function for each pattern. """ return cp.mean( _poisson_fuse(data, intensity), axis=(-2, -1), keepdims=False, )
def _mad(x, **kwargs): """Return the mean absolute deviation around the median.""" return cp.mean(cp.abs(x - cp.median(x, **kwargs)), **kwargs) def _gaussian_penalty_grad(x, x0, variance=1.0): delta = x - x0 k = -2.0 / variance return k * delta * cp.exp(0.5 * k * delta * delta) def _l2_penalty_grad(x, x0, variance=1.0): delta = x - x0 return 2 * delta / variance