Source code for tike.operators.cupy.shift

__author__ = "Daniel Ching, Viktor Nikitin"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2020, UChicago Argonne, LLC."

from .cache import CachedFFT
from .operator import Operator

[docs]class Shift(CachedFFT, Operator): """Shift last two dimensions of an array using Fourier method.""" def fwd(self, a, shift, overwrite=False, cval=None): """Apply shifts along last two dimensions of a. Parameters ---------- array (..., H, W) float32 The array to be shifted. shift (..., 2) float32 The the shifts to be applied along the last two axes. """ if shift is None: return a shape = a.shape padded = a.reshape(*shape) padded = self._fft2( padded, axes=(-2, -1), overwrite_x=overwrite, ) x, y = self.xp.meshgrid( self.xp.fft.fftfreq(padded.shape[-1]).astype(shift.dtype), self.xp.fft.fftfreq(padded.shape[-2]).astype(shift.dtype), ) padded *= self.xp.exp( -2j * self.xp.pi * (x * shift[..., 1, None, None] + y * shift[..., 0, None, None]) ) padded = self._ifft2(padded, axes=(-2, -1), overwrite_x=True) return padded.reshape(*shape) def adj(self, a, shift, overwrite=False, cval=None): if shift is None: return a return self.fwd(a, -shift, overwrite=overwrite, cval=cval) inv = adj