Source code for tike.opt

"""Generic implementations of optimization routines.

Generic implementations of optimization algorithm such as conjugate gradient and
line search that can be reused between domain specific modules. In, the future,
this module may be replaced by Operator Discretization Library (ODL) solvers

import typing
import logging
import warnings

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

import tike.random

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def is_converged(algorithm_options): """Return True if cost slope is non-negative within the the window. Every half-window, look at the slope of the line that fits to the last window cost values (average cost values if mini-batch). If this slope is non-negative, return True else return False. This is a smoothed absolute differences convergence criteria because we are considering the difference between consecutive cost values (absolute differences) per epoch. """ window = algorithm_options.convergence_window if (window >= 2 and len(algorithm_options.costs) >= window and len(algorithm_options.costs) % window // 2 == 0): m = np.array(algorithm_options.costs[-window:]) m = np.reshape(m, (len(m), -1)) m = np.mean(m, axis=1) p = np.polyfit(x=range(window), y=m, deg=1, full=False, cov=False) if p[0] >= 0:"Considering the last {window:d} epochs," " the cost function seems converged.") return True return False
[docs]def batch_indicies(n, m=1, use_random=True): """Return list of indices [0...n) as m groups. >>> batch_indicies(10, 3) [array([2, 4, 7, 3]), array([1, 8, 9]), array([6, 5, 0])] """ assert 0 < m and m <= n, (m, n) i = tike.random.randomizer_np.permutation(n) if use_random else np.arange(n) return np.array_split(i, m)
[docs]def get_batch(x, b, n): """Returns x[:, b[n]]; for use with map().""" return x[b[n]]
[docs]def put_batch(y, x, b, n): """Assigns y into x[:, b[n]]; for use with map().""" x[b[n]] = y
[docs]def momentum(g, v, m, vdecay=None, mdecay=0.9): """Add momentum to the gradient direction. Parameters ---------- g : vector The current gradient. m : vector The momentum. eps : float A tiny constant to prevent zero division. """ logger.debug("Momentum decay m=%+.3e", mdecay) m = 0 if m is None else m m = mdecay * m + (1 - mdecay) * g return m, None, m
[docs]def adagrad( g: npt.NDArray, v: typing.Union[None, npt.NDArray] = None, m: typing.Union[None, npt.NDArray] = None, eps: float = 1e-6, ): """Return the adaptive gradient algorithm direction. Used to provide a better search direction to stochastic gradient descent. Parameters ---------- g : vector The current gradient. v : vector The adagrad gradient weights. eps : float A tiny constant to prevent zero division. Returns ------- d : vector The new search direction. v : vector The new gradient weights. References ---------- Duchi, John, Elad Hazan, and Yoram Singer. "Adaptive subgradient methods for online learning and stochastic optimization." Journal of machine learning research 12, no. 7 (2011). """ if v is None: return g, (g * g.conj()).real, m v += (g * g.conj()).real d = g / np.sqrt(v + eps) return d, v, m
[docs]def adadelta(g, d0=None, v=None, m=None, decay=0.9, eps=1e-6): """Return the adadelta algorithm direction. Used to provide a better search direction to stochastic gradient descent. Parameters ---------- g : vector The current gradient. d0: vector The previous search direction. v : vector The adadelta gradient weights. m : vector The adadelta direction weights. eps : float A tiny constant to prevent zero division. Returns ------- d : vector The new search direction. v : vector The new gradient weights. References ---------- Zeiler, Matthew D. "Adadelta: an adaptive learning rate method." arXiv preprint arXiv:1212.5701 (2012). """ v = 0 if v is None else v m = 0 if m is None else m d0 = 0 if d0 is None else d0 v = v * decay + (1 - decay) * (g * g.conj()).real m = m * decay + (1 - decay) * (d0 * d0.conj()).real d = np.sqrt((m + eps) / (v + eps)) * g return d, v, m
[docs]def adam( g: npt.NDArray, v: typing.Union[None, npt.NDArray] = None, m: typing.Union[None, npt.NDArray] = None, vdecay: float = 0.999, mdecay: float = 0.9, eps: float = 1e-8, ) -> typing.Tuple[npt.NDArray, npt.NDArray, npt.NDArray]: """Return the adaptive moment estimation direction. Used to provide a better search direction to stochastic gradient descent. Parameters ---------- g : vector The current search direction. v : vector Second moment estimate. m : vector First moment estimate. vdecay, mdecay : float [0, 1) A factor which determines how quickly information from previous steps decays. eps : float A tiny constant to prevent zero division. Returns ------- d : vector The new search direction. v : vector The new gradient weights. m : vector The new momentum weights. References ---------- Kingma, Diederik P., and Jimmy Ba. "Adam: A method for stochastic optimization." arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.6980 (2014). """ logger.debug("ADAM decay m=%+.3e, v=%+.3e; eps=%+.3e", mdecay, vdecay, eps) v = np.zeros_like(g.real) if v is None else v m = np.zeros_like(g) if m is None else m m = mdecay * m + (1 - mdecay) * g v = vdecay * v + (1 - vdecay) * (g * g.conj()).real m_ = m / (1 - mdecay) v_ = np.sqrt(v / (1 - vdecay)) return m_ / (v_ + eps), v, m
[docs]def direction_dy(xp, grad1, grad0=None, dir_=None): """Return the Dai-Yuan search direction. Parameters ---------- grad0 : array_like The gradient from the previous step. grad1 : array_like The gradient from this step. dir_ : array_like The previous search direction. """ if dir_ is None: return [-grad1[0]] return [ - grad1[0] + dir_[0] * xp.linalg.norm(grad1[0].ravel())**2 / (xp.sum(dir_[0].conj() * (grad1[0] - grad0[0])) + 1e-32) ] # yapf: disable
[docs]def update_single(x, step_length, d): return x + step_length * d
[docs]def dir_single(x): return x
[docs]def conjugate_gradient( array_module, x, cost_function, grad, direction_dy=direction_dy, dir_multi=dir_single, update_multi=update_single, num_iter=1, step_length=1, num_search=None, cost=None, ): """Use conjugate gradient to estimate `x`. Parameters ---------- array_module : module The Python module that will provide array operations. x : array_like The object to be recovered. cost_function : func(x) -> float The function being minimized to recover x. grad : func(x) -> array_like The gradient of cost_function. dir_multi : func(x) -> list_of_array The search direction in all GPUs. update_multi : func(x) -> list_of_array The updated subimages in all GPUs. num_iter : int The number of steps to take. num_search : int The number of during which to perform line search. step_length : float The initial multiplier of the search direction. cost : float The current loss function estimate. """ num_search = num_iter if num_search is None else num_search for i in range(num_iter): grad1 = grad(x) if i == 0: dir_ = direction_dy(array_module, grad1) else: dir_ = direction_dy(array_module, grad1, grad0, dir_) grad0 = grad1 dir_list = dir_multi(dir_) if i < num_search: step_length, cost, x = line_search( f=cost_function, x=x, d=dir_list, update_multi=update_multi, step_length=step_length, cost=cost, ) else: x = update_multi(x, step_length, dir_list) logger.debug("Blind update; length %.3e", step_length) if __debug__ and num_search < num_iter: cost = cost_function(x) return x, cost
[docs]def fit_line_least_squares( y: typing.List[float], x: typing.List[float], ) -> typing.Tuple[float, float]: """Return the `slope`, `intercept` pair that best fits `y`, `x` to a line. y = slope * x + intercept """ assert len(x) == len(y) count = len(x) assert count > 0 sum_x = np.sum(x) sum_y = np.sum(y) slope = (count * np.sum(x * y) - (sum_x * sum_y)) / (count * np.sum(x * x) - (sum_x * sum_x)) intercept = (sum_y - slope * sum_x) / count return slope, intercept