Source code for tike.ptycho.solvers.options

from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import dataclasses
import typing

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import scipy.ndimage

from tike.ptycho.object import ObjectOptions
from tike.ptycho.position import PositionOptions, check_allowed_positions
from tike.ptycho.probe import ProbeOptions
from tike.ptycho.exitwave import ExitWaveOptions

class IterativeOptions(abc.ABC):
    """A base class providing options for iterative algorithms.

    .. versionadded:: 0.20.0
    name: str = dataclasses.field(default='', init=False)
    """The name of the algorithm."""

    num_batch: int = 1
    """The dataset is divided into this number of groups where each group is
    processed sequentially."""

    batch_method: str = 'wobbly_center'
    """The name of the batch selection method. Choose from the cluster methods
    in the tike.cluster module."""

    rescale_method: str = 'mean_of_abs_object'
    """How we control object/probe scaling in the ptycho optimization problem.

    The options here are:

    'mean_of_abs_object'    = The default is using the constraint that the mean
    of the absolute value of the object must be approx 1.0, which will then
    rescale the object and probe so that this constraint is true.

    'constant_probe_photons'   = Rescale the shared probe modes so that its
    intensity L2 norm equals to some number of photons specified elsewhere
    (e.g. toml file). If not specified elsewhere, the average (wrt scan
    positions) L2 norm of the diffraction intensity measurements is used.

    rescale_period: int = 10
    """How often we control object/probe scaling in the ptycho optimization problem.

    The default is perform rescaling of the object/probe every 10 epochs


    costs: typing.List[typing.List[float]] = dataclasses.field(
    """The objective function value at previous iterations. One list is
    returned for each mini-batch."""

    num_iter: int = 1
    """The number of epochs to process before returning."""

    times: typing.List[float] = dataclasses.field(
    """The per-iteration wall-time for each previous iteration."""

    convergence_window: int = 0
    """The number of epochs to consider for convergence monitoring. Set to
    any value less than 2 to disable."""

    time_limit: float = np.inf
    """Stop reconstruction when wall-time exceeds this number of seconds."""

[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class DmOptions(IterativeOptions): name: str = dataclasses.field(default='dm', init=False) num_batch: int = 1 """The dataset is divided into this number of groups where each group is processed simultaneously."""
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class RpieOptions(IterativeOptions): name: str = dataclasses.field(default='rpie', init=False) num_batch: int = 5 alpha: float = 0.05 """A hyper-parameter which controls the step length. RPIE becomes EPIE when this parameter is 1."""
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class LstsqOptions(IterativeOptions): name: str = dataclasses.field(default='lstsq_grad', init=False)
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class PtychoParameters(): """A class for storing the ptychography forward model parameters. .. versionadded:: 0.22.0 """ probe: npt.NDArray[np.csingle] """(1, 1, SHARED, WIDE, HIGH) complex64 The shared illumination function amongst all positions.""" psi: npt.NDArray[np.csingle] """(WIDE, HIGH) complex64 The wavefront modulation coefficients of the object.""" scan: npt.NDArray[np.single] """(POSI, 2) float32 Coordinates of the minimum corner of the probe grid for each measurement in the coordinate system of psi. Coordinate order consistent with WIDE, HIGH order.""" eigen_probe: typing.Union[npt.NDArray[np.csingle], None] = None """(EIGEN, SHARED, WIDE, HIGH) complex64 The eigen probes for all positions.""" eigen_weights: typing.Union[npt.NDArray[np.single], None] = None """(POSI, EIGEN, SHARED) float32 The relative intensity of the eigen probes at each position.""" algorithm_options: IterativeOptions = dataclasses.field( default_factory=RpieOptions,) """A class containing algorithm specific parameters""" exitwave_options: typing.Union[ExitWaveOptions, None] = None """A class containing settings related to exitwave updates.""" probe_options: typing.Union[ProbeOptions, None] = None """A class containing settings related to probe updates.""" object_options: typing.Union[ObjectOptions, None] = None """A class containing settings related to object updates.""" position_options: typing.Union[PositionOptions, None] = None """A class containing settings related to position correction.""" def __post_init__(self): if (self.scan.ndim != 2 or self.scan.shape[1] != 2 or np.any(np.asarray(self.scan.shape) < 1)): raise ValueError(f"scan shape {self.scan.shape} is incorrect. " "It should be (N, 2) " "where N >= 1 is the number of scan positions.") if (self.probe.ndim != 5 or self.probe.shape[:2] != (1, 1) or np.any(np.asarray(self.probe.shape) < 1) or self.probe.shape[-2] != self.probe.shape[-1]): raise ValueError(f"probe shape {self.probe.shape} is incorrect. " "It should be (1, 1, S, W, H) " "where S >=1 is the number of probes, and " "W, H >= 1 are the square probe grid dimensions.") if (self.psi.ndim != 2 or np.any( np.asarray(self.psi.shape) <= np.asarray(self.probe.shape[-2:])) ): raise ValueError( f"psi shape {self.psi.shape} is incorrect. " "It should be (W, H) where W, H > probe.shape[-2:].") check_allowed_positions( self.scan, self.psi, self.probe.shape, ) if self.exitwave_options is None: self.exitwave_options = ExitWaveOptions( measured_pixels=np.ones(self.probe.shape[-2:], dtype=np.bool_))
[docs] def resample( self, factor: float, interp: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[np.ndarray, float], np.array]], ) -> PtychoParameters: """Return a new `PtychoParameter` with the parameters rescaled.""" interp = _resize_fft if interp is None else interp return PtychoParameters( probe=interp(self.probe, factor), psi=_resize_spline(self.psi, factor), scan=self.scan * factor, eigen_probe=interp(self.eigen_probe, factor) if self.eigen_probe is not None else None, eigen_weights=self.eigen_weights, algorithm_options=self.algorithm_options, probe_options=self.probe_options.resample(factor, interp) if self.probe_options is not None else None, object_options=self.object_options.resample(factor, interp) if self.object_options is not None else None, position_options=self.position_options.resample(factor) if self.position_options is not None else None, exitwave_options=self.exitwave_options.resample(factor) if self.exitwave_options is not None else None, )
def _resize_spline(x: np.ndarray, f: float) -> np.ndarray: return scipy.ndimage.zoom( x, zoom=[1] * (x.ndim - 2) + [f, f], grid_mode=True, prefilter=False, ) def _resize_cv(x: np.ndarray, f: float, interpolation: int) -> np.ndarray: import tike.view x_shape = x.shape x = x.reshape(-1, *x_shape[-2:]) x1 = [ tike.view.resize_complex_image( i, scale_factor=(f, f), interpolation=interpolation, ) for i in x ] return np.asarray(x1).reshape(*x_shape[:-2], *x1[0].shape[-2:]) def _resize_linear(x: np.ndarray, f: float) -> np.ndarray: return _resize_cv(x, f, 1) def _resize_cubic(x: np.ndarray, f: float) -> np.ndarray: return _resize_cv(x, f, 2) def _resize_lanczos(x: np.ndarray, f: float) -> np.ndarray: return _resize_cv(x, f, 4)
[docs]def crop_fourier_space(x: np.ndarray, w: int) -> np.ndarray: """Crop x assuming a 2D frequency space image with zero frequency in corner.""" assert x.shape[-2] == x.shape[-1], "Only works on square arrays right now." half1 = w // 2 half0 = w - half1 # yapf: disable return x[ ..., np.r_[0:half0, (x.shape[-1] - half1):x.shape[-1]], ][ ..., np.r_[0:half0, (x.shape[-2] - half1):x.shape[-2]], :, ]
# yapf: enable def pad_fourier_space(x: np.ndarray, w: int) -> np.ndarray: """Pad x assuming a 2D frequency space image with zero frequency in corner.""" assert x.shape[-2] == x.shape[-1], "Only works on square arrays right now." half1 = x.shape[-1] // 2 half0 = x.shape[-1] - half1 new_x = np.zeros_like(x, shape=(*x.shape[:-2], w, w)) new_x[..., 0:half0, np.r_[0:half0, (w - half1):w]] = x[..., 0:half0, :] new_x[..., -half1:w, np.r_[0:half0, (w - half1):w]] = x[..., -half1:, :] return new_x def _resize_fft(x: np.ndarray, f: float) -> np.ndarray: """Use Fourier interpolation to resize/resample the last 2 dimensions of x""" if f == 1: return x crop_or_pad = crop_fourier_space if f < 1 else pad_fourier_space return np.fft.ifft2( crop_or_pad( np.fft.fft2( x, norm='ortho', axes=(-2, -1), ), w=int(x.shape[-1] * f), ), norm='ortho', axes=(-2, -1), )